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Dubai’s Leading Surgeons Reveal the Secrets to Successful Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery has emerged as a life-changing solution for individuals struggling with obesity and related health issues. In Dubai, a city known for its advanced medical facilities and expert healthcare professionals, leading surgeons share their insights into what makes bariatric surgery successful.

Comprehensive Pre-Surgery Evaluation

Dr. Ayesha Rahman, a renowned Bariatric Surgery in Dubai, emphasizes the importance of a thorough pre-surgery evaluation. “It’s crucial to assess the patient’s overall health, understand their medical history, and determine any underlying conditions that could affect the surgery and recovery process,” she says. This includes psychological evaluations to ensure patients are mentally prepared for the lifestyle changes post-surgery.

Customized Surgical Plans

No two patients are the same, and successful bariatric surgery often involves a customized approach. Dr. Omar Khalid, another leading surgeon, highlights the need for personalized surgical plans. “We tailor the type of bariatric surgery—whether it's gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, or another procedure—to the patient’s specific needs and health conditions,” he explains. This personalization helps maximize the effectiveness of the surgery and minimizes risks.

Skilled Surgical Techniques

The skill and experience of the surgeon play a pivotal role in the success of bariatric surgery. Dr. Fatima Al Mansoori, known for her expertise in minimally invasive techniques, points out that advanced laparoscopic methods reduce recovery time and lower the risk of complications. “Precision and expertise in these techniques are essential,” she adds.

Post-Surgery Care and Support

Successful outcomes also depend heavily on post-surgery care. Dr. Ahmed Saeed, a leading bariatric surgeon, stresses the importance of comprehensive aftercare. “Patients need ongoing support, including dietary advice, physical activity guidance, and regular follow-up appointments to monitor their progress and address any issues promptly,” he says. This support network helps patients adapt to their new lifestyle and maintain their weight loss.

Long-Term Lifestyle Changes

Bariatric surgery is not a quick fix; it requires commitment to long-term lifestyle changes. Dr. Leila Farooqi, an expert in obesity management, advises patients on the importance of adopting healthy eating habits and regular exercise. “The surgery is just the beginning. Patients must be dedicated to making sustainable changes to achieve and maintain their weight loss goals,” she emphasizes.

Psychological Support

Dr. Mohammed Al Hashimi, a specialist in bariatric psychology, underscores the significance of psychological support. “Emotional and psychological factors can greatly influence the success of bariatric surgery. We provide counseling and support groups to help patients navigate the emotional challenges that come with such a significant change,” he explains.


Dubai’s leading bariatric surgeons agree that the secrets to successful bariatric surgery lie in a combination of comprehensive pre-surgery evaluations, customized surgical plans, skilled surgical techniques, extensive post-surgery care, long-term lifestyle changes, and robust psychological support. By focusing on these aspects, patients can achieve significant weight loss and improve their overall health and quality of life.

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