Difference Between Septoplasty And Rhinoplasty You Must Know
Certainly! Septoplasty and Rhinoplasty in Dubai are two distinct surgical procedures involving the nose, often performed for different reasons. Here's a breakdown of the differences:
Medical: Primarily performed to correct a deviated septum, which is the cartilage and bone inside the nose that separates the two nostrils.
Functional: Improves breathing by straightening the septum and opening the nasal passages.
Involves the removal, reshaping, or repositioning of the septum.
Typically done entirely inside the nose with no external changes.
Recovery time is usually shorter, around 1-2 weeks.
Less postoperative swelling and bruising compared to rhinoplasty.
Common Reasons:
Difficulty breathing due to a deviated septum.
Chronic sinusitis or nasal congestion.
Frequent nosebleeds.
Cosmetic: Often performed to improve the appearance of the nose, altering its shape, size, or proportions.
Functional: Can also address functional issues like breathing problems but focuses on the external structure.
May involve altering the bone, cartilage, and skin of the nose.
Can be performed as an open (with an external incision) or closed (all incisions inside the nose) surgery.
Longer recovery period, typically 2-3 weeks, with full results visible after several months.
More significant swelling and bruising, especially around the eyes.
Common Reasons:
Desire to change the shape or size of the nose.
Repairing damage from injury.
Correcting congenital disabilities.
Key Differences
Septoplasty: Internal nasal structure (septum) for functional improvement.
Rhinoplasty: External appearance and structure of the nose, sometimes combined with functional improvements.
Surgical Approach:
Septoplasty: Internal incisions, less invasive.
Rhinoplasty: Can involve external and internal incisions, more extensive reshaping.
Septoplasty: Shorter, less visible swelling and bruising.
Rhinoplasty: Longer, more significant swelling and bruising.
Understanding these differences is crucial for anyone considering nasal surgery, as it helps in setting realistic expectations and choosing the appropriate procedure for their needs. If you're looking to improve breathing or correct a deviated septum, septoplasty is likely the way to go. If your goals are cosmetic or involve significant structural changes, rhinoplasty may be more suitable.